Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We were put into the groups with which the group project will be done(my, that's a bit redundant). I've never been partial to group projects, but this will probably end up being interesting, especially in comparison to the Biblical lit class last semester; in that class we were assinged a particular book of the Bible to focus on. The topic for this class is very broad, with interesting possibilties offered by this broadness: "how the past possesses the present".
Speaking of the Biblical lit class, there were a few re-visitations from that class today. Among them, the Eleusian mysteries(which were probably a competition/influence on early Christianity) and the notion of marriage as institutionalized abduction. I'm a bit suprised that we didn't touch on the manifestations of the universal White Goddess(the Crone, the Mother and the Maiden, touched on in the Hymn to Demeter in the personages of Hecate, Demeter and Persephone) in that class. The thought occured to me of the Holy Trinity(Father, Son, Holy Spirit) as being a bastardization of this, which could be totally off but I don't know--and apologies to any Catholics who may be reading this--.
I was vaguely puzzled when reading the Hymn to Demeter why Demeter's other name was Doso; now I know that it means "sorrow", and that the modern name "Dolores" is derived from it. All this adds up with why Vladimir Nabokov had the eponymous nymphet in Lolita named Dolores... I also wonder at the added signifigance to the last name, Haze. Very good stuff any way you stretch it.
I think that's enough for now. I don't feel like talking anymore.


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