Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today in class a blog-error of mine was corrected. The hetaera were the courtesans in ancient Greece; and they were often very independant and influntial and well-educated, which is very interesting as many of them were ex-slaves. Interesting.

We also touched upon the subject of love, and it's mythic personifcation Aphrodite/Venus. She is referred to in early mythology alternately as Aphrodite-urania, and Aphrodite-pandemos. The former is to describe the state of "pure" love(what we would probably call Platonic love) and the latter to describe physical love(latter to be picked up with the name of Aprodite's son Eros/Cupid).
My talk on one of the five major themes of Steiner has yet to come due to sloth; and I have also changed my mind. Instead of the individual and society, it will deal with the living and the dead.


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