Friday, February 16, 2007

I found the concept that drama is seperate from mythos intriguing. If that's the case, then drama simply takes the imaginative elements that seem most pertinent and utilize them in whatever way that can be grasped sensourally(sp?is that even a word; it totally should be). Maybe mythos at its deepest essence contains an imagination so vast that it only can be confined through expression. Or something like that.
I also know a word now to describe something I have encountered on a few occaisons in my life: senex which Mr. Sexson defined as stupid old men, and I'd also take it ones that argue/bullshit with each other--hey they aren't called "bull sessions" for nothing--. And of course this is what "senate" is derived from. What else?
And when the point about the messangers was brought up in class today(about how they never bring good news, and how you often want to slap them and/or the Chorus for their sheer insensitivity), I was reminded of a moment near the end of an anime film called Grave of the Fireflies(most devestatingly sad movie ever, incidentally) where the teenage protagonist is purchasing materials to cremate the body of his little sister, and the salesman says, in a very chipper way, "It certainly is a beautiful day isn't it?" Get off the screen!
And the ramble ends here...


Blogger Sutter Stremmel said...

Kari. So do you think that drama yeilds itself almost exclusively to the senses? That it is a visceral experience? If so, then your idea of drama being sensory (i know you used some other word)and even sensationistic is basically the broadest definition of melodrama. It's exciting and chilling at the same time.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Kari Bowles said...

No, I would not say that I thik drama yields itself exclusively to the senses. The senses are involved in drama(whether creating or experiancing it)but so is the mind, perhaps through them.

1:29 PM  

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