Friday, February 23, 2007

Since today was the day of the test and nothing new was discussed and because procrastination on my part is no longer excusable, I think the blog today will be a rumination on one the key conflicts in Antigone, which I have decided will be that between the living and the dead.

The dead belong to a realm which none of us here in this world really know anything about(those of us that say they do in all probablity are bullshiting). This observation glaringly, though perhaps necessarily, leaves out the question of religous belief and/or truth. But the dead, even in this state that they are in(whatever it could be described as--heaven, hell, both or neither, or nothingness--) invariably have a hold upon the living. I think almost immediately of the South, where Confederate flags are still everywhere and a great many people regard the North as the land of the enemy one-hundered and some years after the Civil War came to it's conclusion. Or in family blood-feuds ala Hatfields and McCoys( you killed my brother/father, now I have to kill yours for the sake of vengenance!). A less bloody example that comes to mind from literature is James Joyce's The Dead , where the protagonist comes to the realization that his wife doesn't really care for him, because she never recovered from the death of a boy she loved when she was young.
What does all this mean? And where does it all originate from or resolve itself? I of course do not know the answers to these or any other questions, but I also somehow wonder if the stock-reply "Put the past behind you" is not a good enoughe. I suppose that its often said because you can't really think of anything that is at all beneficial(sp?) but it still seems superficial and unsatisfying, somehow.
Not unlike this blog. Well, it may be superficial and unsatisfying, but it is something; a ramble or ruimanation or what have you.


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