Monday, March 19, 2007

We finished up Lysistrata and began The Bacchae today. The motif of the scapegoat( a term which comes from the King James translation of the book of Leviticus, just to say so) was brought up in relation to the (temporary)lifting away off of repression, exemplified in the scene where the woman forcibly dress the Councilor as a woman and then as a corpse, because being treated like a woman is the worst thing a male figure of authority can imagine--some things never really change--.
This segued nicely with The Bacchae, because Dionysus is the God of revelry and the lifting of oppression. He also brings about chaos and destruction, as well as healing and happiness. This is deeply baffling, because it is a paradox. This is a notion I will undoubtedly touch upon at a later time, being as I lack motivation at the present moment, because it is a facsinating thing, paradox.


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